Looking for an online D&D platform?

 Hello, again dear friends of the internet!

I have been asked if there are platforms to play D&D online and the answer is: YES!

The most famous one is called Roll20: https://app.roll20.net/sessions/new

There you will easily find online D&D campaigns and other games as well and is free. They have a paid version and you can acquire the D&D books too.

Then we have Astral: https://www.astraltabletop.com/

Which I just recently discovered and so far it has been really cool, you can pay the monthly subscription and get access to all D&D content.

And lastly, I found this place called Fantasy Grounds: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/home/home.php

Which is officially licensed by Dungeons & Dragons.

If you know about other platforms I would be more than delighted to hear about them 💖


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